Transport Logistik 2019

Logik kann Sie von Punkt „A“ zu Punkt „B“ führen aber Vorstellungskraft kann Sie überall führen. Ohne den Erfolg dieser Welt zu beobachten, ist Unterwerfung nicht möglich. In München fand vom 4. bis 7. Juni 2019 die größte Logistikmesse der Welt «Transport Logistic 2019» mit neuen Rekordzahlen statt. Wir haben auch die Ausstellung besucht! Die […]

Das Trans-Service-1-Team nahm am allukrainischen Wettbewerb der Fachkenntnisse der Fahrer von AsMAP of Ukraine-Teilnehmern teil

These weekends Trans-Service-1 team took part in the “All-Ukrainian competition of drivers’ professional skills of AsMAP UA participants”. One can talk a lot about the qualification of Tans-Service-1 drivers, but we want to say one thing – the company is proud of its drivers Lazurkevich Andriy and Svist Vasyl! Although we took only second place, […]

LLC „Trans-Service-1“ congratulates the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of drivers’ professional skills of AsMAP UA in nomination “1st team place”, the driver of the curtainsider fleet Lazurkevych Andriy.

LLC „Trans-Service-1“ congratulates the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of drivers’ professional skills of AsMAP UA in nomination “1st team place”, the driver of the curtainsider fleet Lazurkevych Andriy. We sincerely glad that such professional has been working for more than 11 years in our company. He is not only a good worker, but also […]