Zespół Trans-Service-1 wziął udział w Ogólnoukraińskim konkursie umiejętności zawodowych kierowców uczestników AsMAP Ukrainy

These weekends Trans-Service-1 team took part in the “All-Ukrainian competition of drivers’ professional skills of AsMAP UA participants”.

One can talk a lot about the qualification of Tans-Service-1 drivers, but we want to say one thing – the company is proud of its drivers Lazurkevich Andriy and Svist Vasyl! Although we took only second place, but still, our drivers are best of the best – drivers number one of the company „Trans-Service-1”!

Lazurkevich Andriy has been working as a driver in our curtainsider’s fleet for more than 10 years. These are 10 years of experience in international transportations. Andriy is high class professional. Now he drives new Man EURO6 tractor unit, proving that he is really genuine long-distance truck driver!

Svist Vasyl works in the company „Trans-Service-1” since 2013, first as a driver, and starting this year – as traffic safety engineer!

Competitions – this is an impulse to get even better, qualitatively performing daily tasks, holding position of the leader on the market!