“Logic can lead you from point “A” to “B” and imagination — anywhere”. Without observing the success of this world, the imagination is impossible.
During the period from 4th to 7th of June 2019 it was held the largest logistics exhibition in the world Transport Logistic 2019 with new record exponents in Munich. We also have visited the exhibition!
The Company “Trans-Service-1” got to see firsthand that “the future in logistics”. The main topics were: trade war between the US and China, as well as lack of drivers; high expectations were placed on artificial intelligence in many areas.
In exhibition was involved 2374 exhibitors and about 64 thousand visitors. The lack of drivers was one of the main topics. In addition to more attractive working conditions, namely artificial intelligence can help over the long run. This should make the logistics chains more transparent and more effective overall.
We have been inspired by new products and innovative future of logistic and transport. See you in Munich in 2 years. And perhaps as exhibitors.